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The greeter/usher’s duties begin with greeting and seating (as required) of parishioners and visitors with a pleasant word and welcoming smile. They are responsible for the collecting of the offerings and presenting them on behalf of the congregation, as part of the Offertory Procession. When Mass is over the ushers hand out copies of the parish bulletin at both entrances and are then responsible for clean up of pews after Mass. If you enjoy greeting people, then please consider this ministry. We are looking for people of all ages, and women and young adults ushers/greeters are encouraged. Training is provided to new ushers.
Usher Guidelines
- Remember that you are a minister of hospitality, welcoming and attending to the comfort of the assembly. Please arrive 15 minutes before Mass starts. If you are the only usher scheduled, please find someone to assist you. Wear the Usher name tags so that anyone needing assistance can identify an usher.
- Please read the fire emergency procedures posted on the bulletin board and be prepared at all times.
- In the event of fire, an usher will stand at the door leading to the basement at the entrance to the church and at the annex door. When everyone has exited the church the usher must check all rooms to verify that everyone has vacated the building. Call firehall.
- Sweep steps of leaves, clear snow as needed, and sprinkle salt from saltboxes as weather dictates.
- Open wide the foyer doors (both). Check temperature; open windows and turn on ceiling fans as required.
- Ensure the collection baskets, the blue zipper cash bags and tag locks are in place.
- Ask a family from the congregation to present the Gifts.
- Monitor those seated upstairs particularly unaccompanied children.
- Assist parishioners to find seats as required.
- Be prepared to assist new parishioners by providing registration forms found at the entrances. Place completed forms in collection basket.
- Ring the bell five minutes before the scheduled time of the celebration.
- At Masses with Children's Liturgy, notify teachers at the end of the homily so children can return. Ensure the children return to the church after the Prayer of the Faithful.
- Begin collection after the Prayer of the Faithful.
- During collection, ensure the family picked to bring up the Gifts is in place.
- After collection, put money, cheques, envelopes in the blue zipper bag and lock it with a tag lock.
- An usher will carry the collection following the family bringing up the Gifts and will put the collection at the foot of the Altar.
- Please ensure that an usher is at each entrance following Mass to hand out bulletins BEFORE the blessing.
- After Mass, place the blue zipper deposit collection bag in the safe in the room next to the office. Lock the door.
- Straighten hymnals, missals and pick up items for lost and found box.
- After the 04:30pm and the 10:45am Masses, ensure all doors are locked and close all fire doors.
- If you are unable to honor your scheduled time please contact a replacement.