Key Contacts
Position | Contact | Phone number | |
Pastor | Rev Gerard Plant | fr.gerardplant![]() | 613 445 3054 |
Deacon | Allan Carpen | ||
Office Administrator | Jay Caroline Dupuis | admin![]() | 613 445 3054 |
Parish Pastoral Council | Richard James | 613 445 6627 | |
Finance Council | Bruce Murphy | 613 496 0533 | |
Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd | Meghann Baker | 613 370 6371 | |
Catholic Women's League | Lorraine Barker | pl.barker![]() | 613 445 5779 |
Cemetery | Mike Corbeil | 613 443 1362 | |
Children's Liturgy | Corey Bryk | 613 445 8699 | |
Decoration Committee | Mary Ellen Jame | 613 445 6627 | |
Knights of Columbus | Michael Adams | kofc![]() | 905 609 0034 |
Lectors/Sacristan/Eucharistic Ministers | Heather Sisk | 613 443 2870 | |
Pastoral Care | Parish Office | 613 445 3054 | |
Prayer Shawl Ministry | Joyce Vincelette | 613 445 0536 | |
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults | Parish Office | admin![]() | 613 445 3054 |
Spiritual Library | Jane Munro | 613 443 3692 | |
Web Master | Robert Fortier | robert![]() | 613 443 2657 |
Youth Group | Chris Smith | cdansmith![]() | 613 223 7582 |