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The Ministry of Readers/Lectors is dedicated to nourishing our faith in proclaiming the Word of the Lord at our masses. It is through this ministry that our prayers and petitions are offered to the Father. The liturgy of the word is an integral part of all sacramental celebrations. If you are confident with reading in public and feel called to proclaim the Word of God, please consider giving your time and gifts to this ministry. We are always looking for more readers/lectors; in particular, we are presently trying to increase the number of young people and women in this ministry. Training is provided.

Lectors’ Guide

Legend: [L1] Lector 1; [L2] Lector 2; [A] All

  1. [L1 & L2] Practice reading the passage silently and aloud before a mirror several times the week preceding your scheduled time. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you in your proclamation. (Ask your parish staff about workshops for lectors.)
  2. [A] Do not draw attention to yourself either by your apparel, your posture, your gestures, or your speech. Let the message come through you.
  3. [A] Arrive 15 minutes before the time of the scheduled celebration. Please contact a replacement if you cannot fulfill your responsibility on a given day. If you cannot find a replacement please inform another minister scheduled at that time. Replacements please identify yourselves to the other readers. This will avoid confusion. If there is no replacement for a missing Lector 2, Lector 1 will read the second reading.
  4. [L1] When given the signal from the Presider, approach the lectern as reverently as you would approach the altar. Adjust the microphone, if necessary to your height. If it makes a noise when you touch it, ignore it. Begin with: "Good Morning and welcome to..." Watch carefully for what Mass intentions are for which Mass.
  5. [L1] Move to the lectern and say: "A reading from" not "The first reading is". Pause between the first reading and the psalm. When reading the psalm do not say: "The response to the psalm is" but rather read the response and the assembly will repeat it. Check with the choir prior to Mass to see if the psalm will be sung.
  6. [L2] When lector 1 moves away from the lectern, proceed to the lectern. Do not say: "The second reading is" but rather: "A reading from..." Remain standing in place as the congregation responds in unison: "Thanks be to God." Only now should you leave the lectern.
  7. [L2] Before Mass check to see if the Deacon will be using the Book of Gospel Readings. If so, place the lectionary on the shelf under the lectern, being mindful of Father's papers.
  8. [L2] Do not say: "please stand for the Gospel Acclamation". If the choir does not sing the acclamation it is omitted and the Presider will proceed to the lectern.
  9. [L2] (In the absence of the Deacon) When the Presider starts the Prayers of the Faithful proceed promptly to the lectern. Read the intention and pause before you say: "we pray to the Lord". The assembly will reply: "Lord hear our prayer". Remain at the lectern until the Presider completes the Prayers of the Faithful.
  10. [L2] After the Post Communion Prayer proceeds to the lectern for announcements if any.